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Total Carbon Analyzer TCA08 software update (SW:, FW: 304)

This software update for the TCA08 Total Carbon Analyzer adds features and functionality to the instrument.

The TCA08 is our revolutionary new instrument that provides a real-time analysis of the Total Carbon content of a sampled aerosol stream. It is explicitly designed for “on-line” ambient-air monitoring and laboratory use: but it can be used in “off-line” mode to analyze the TC content of filter samples.

The TCA08 is rugged, field-worthy instrument that uses NO GAS, contains NO GLASS, and requires NO CATALYST.


The combination of the Aethalometer AE33 with the Total Carbon Analyzer TCA08 provides a complete identification of the carbonaceous component of ambient aerosols in near-Real-Time:

BC (‘EC’) ; BrC ; OC : TC

in an instrument package suitable for laboratory and Air Quality monitoring applications. The TCA08 is constructed with the same legendary ruggedness and reliability as the Aethalometer: it contains “No Glass ” and requires “No Gas”, and it works everywhere.

NOTE: AE 33 software version or greater is required – please download this from our website.


New software update also includes Instrument Status redesign and connect the instrument to new external device, AE33 + AMES_TPR159 Met Sensor.


New in version

– Updates to ‘Advanced’ display screen to show TC, BC, EC and OC
This software version will show TC, BC, EC and OC on the Advanced screen when an AE33 is connected to the TCA08; and a suitable value of the parameter ‘b’ has been entered.

– Adjust Date/Time
By pressing the Date/Time icon in the top green status line, the Date/Time and time zone can be adjusted. If the TCA is connected to the internet, you can choose that the Date/Time and time zone will be adjusted automatically.

– Filter integrity procedure
This software version improves the Filter Integrity test procedure, to give an improved detection of filter issues. Additionally, a pop-up window appears as a warning on the screen, if a filter integrity issue is found.

This new software version ( is compatible with all series S00 Total Carbon Analyzers. Firmware version 304 or greater is required. If your Total Carbon Analyzer is using a Firmware version lower than 304, please consult us before upgrading the software.


The updated User’s Manual for the TCA08 Total Carbon Analyzer can be downloaded here, after log in or signing up for a free User’s Group account.

If you have questions or comments, please contact us for more information.


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