This workshop will present the latest frontiers in Carbonaceous Aerosol speciation, optical properties of primary and secondary aerosols and source apportionment, and leading-edge developments of Aerosol Magee Scientific R&D group together with foreign collaborators.
This workshop will present valuable information for anyone in the research and monitoring communities interested in carbonaceous aerosols: source apportionment, optical properties, online and offline instrumentation, spectrometry, Brown Carbon characterization, etc.
Confirmed talks will be given by the following scientists:
3:00 pm – 3:10 pm
3:10 pm – 3:30 pm
1. Novel mass spectrometric approaches to unravel aerosol composition: Thermal-Optical Carbon Analysis (TOCA, DRI Model 2015Series 2) coupled to Photoionization Mass Spectrometry (PIMS) & On-line Single Particle Mass Spectrometry (SPMS)
by Prof. Ralf Zimmermann, Ph.D., Univeristy of Rostock and Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, GERMANY
3:30 pm – 3:50 pm
2. On the use of Aethalometer data in climatic applications: case studies on the heating rate from the Equator to the North and South Poles
by Prof. Luca Ferrero, Ph.D., University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, ITALY
3:50 pm – 4:10 pm
3. Hypothetically useful Mie-modeled relationships between AAE, SSA and MAC of coated BC particles
by Doc. Aki Virkkula, Ph.D., Finnish Meteorological Institute and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, FINLAND
4:10 pm – 4:25 pm
4. Expanded capabilities of the new Aethalometer™
by Martin Rigler, Ph.D., Aerosol Magee Scientific, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
4:25 pm – 4:35 pm Final remarks
4:35 pm – 6:00 pm Social gathering
The workshop will include a session with oral presentations followed by a small social gathering with food and drink at the end.
There is no registration fee for workshop participants, however, pre-registration is mandatory.
Please REGISTER below by filling out your contact information.
Thank you and we hope you would be willing to accept our invitation to the workshop.
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