UVOZI podatke
PRIKAŽI podatke
CAAT programsko orodje za analizo podatkov iz Aethalometra® AE33, instrumenta TCA08 in instrumenta za določanje ogljičnih aerosolov CASS. CAAT bo z eno od prihodnjih posodobiitev omogočal analizo podatkov za vse instrumente Aerosol Magee Scientific.
UVOZI podatke
Analizirajte podatke preko sledečih procedur: dnevni profil, časovno povprečje, absorpcijski koeficient, Ångstromov eksponent, analizo atenuacije, določitvijo virov, analizo rjavega ogljika.
PRIKAZ podatkov na različnih grafikonih
Prepričani ste lahko v pravilnost in doslednost izmerjenih podatkov
Začni z uporabo CAAT programske opreme
CPU | Intel i3-4130 (priporočen Intel i5-6400) |
Grafični vmesnik | Priporočljiva grafična kartica |
Prostor na disku | 20 MB (instalacijske datoteke) |
Operacijski sistem | Windows 10, Windows 7 |
Prijavi se ali kreiraj svoj račun na Magee Scientific User´s group:
Title | Type | Download |
Carbonaceous Aerosol Analysis Tool | SPEC SHEET | LINK |
Title | Author | Publications | Type | Year | Link |
Submicron Aerosol Pollution in Greater Cairo (Egypt): A New Type of Urban Haze? | A. Christodoulou | Environment International, 186, 108610, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108610, 2024 | Published Articles | 2024 | Link |
Optical properties and simple forcing efficiency of the organic aerosols and black carbon emitted by residential wood burning in rural Central Europe | A. Cuesta-Mosquera | Atmos. Chem. Phys. 24, 2583-2605, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-1874, 2024 | Published Articles | 2024 | Link |
Contribution of black carbon and desert dust to aerosol absorption in the atmosphere of the Eastern Arabian Peninsula | M.M.K. Mahfouz | Atmospheric Environment, 324, 120427, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120427, 2024 | Published Articles | 2024 | Link |
Determining the Aethalometer multiple scattering enhancement factor C from the filter loading parameter | L. Ferrero | Science of the Total Environment, 917, 170221, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170221, 2024 | Published Articles | 2024 | Link |
Particulate air pollution in the heart of the European Union: lessons learned from SAFICA 2017-2018 and SAAERO 2022-2023 projects in Central and Southeast Europe | K. Dzepina | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024 | Conference Presentations | 2024 | |
Analysis of biomass burning derived aerosol under different combustion and oxidation regimes at the EUPHORE chambers | R. Soler | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024 | Conference Presentations | 2024 | |
Heating rate and energy gradient from the tropics to the North Pole | L. Ferrero | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 14-19, 2024 | Conference Presentations | 2024 | |
Anthropic Settlements’ Impact on the Light-Absorbing Aerosol Concentrations and Heating Rate in the Arctic | N. Losi | Atmosphere, 14(12), 1768, https://doi.org/10.3390/ atmos14121768, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Ambient carbonaceous aerosol levels in Cyprus and the role of pollution transport from the Middle East | A. Christodoulou | Atmos. Chem. Phys.; 23, 6431-6465; https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-6431-2023, 2023. | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Highly Time-Resolved Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Wildfire Using the TC–BC Method: Camp Fire 2018 Case Study | M. Ivančič | Toxics, 11, 497; doi: 10.3390/toxics11060497, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Towards a better understanding of fine PM sources: Online and offline datasets combination in a single PMF | M. Via | Environment International, 108006, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108006, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Investigating the vertical and spatial extent of radon-based classification of the atmospheric mixing state and impacts on seasonal urban air quality | D. Kikaj | Sci. of the Total Env., 872, 162126, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162126, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Aerosol characteristics and types in the marine environments surrounding the East Mediterranean - Middle East (EMME) region during the AQABA campaign | D.G. Kaskaoutis | Atmospheric Environment, 298, 119633, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119633, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Source apportionment of black carbon and combustion-related CO2 for the determination of source-specific emission factors | B. Alfoldy | Atmos. Meas. Tech. 16, 135-152, doi: 10.5194/amt-16-135-2023, 2023. | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Characterization of fresh PM deposits on calcareous stone surfaces: Seasonality, source apportionment and soiling potential | M. Ogrizek | Sci. of the Total Env., 856(2), 159012, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159012, 2023 | Published Articles | 2023 | Link |
Real-Time Investigation of Primary Ship Engine Emissions by Vacuum Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization High-Resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry | P. Kösling | Analytical Chemistry 94(48), 16855-16863, doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03972, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Study of primary OC, BC emission and secondary OA formation of wood combustion in the EUPHORE experimental chamber | B. Alfoldy | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Demonstration of the new Aethalometer model AE36s performance and equivalence with its predecessor, AE33 | M. Rigler | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Advanced characterization of aerosol sources and aging state with the new 9λ Aethalometer model AE36s | Gregorič | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Towards a better understanding of fine PM sources: online and offline datasets combination in a single PMF | M. Via | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Computing multiple scattering coefficient C directly from Aethalometer data: implications for heating rate in Milan using both the 7-λ and 9-λ Aethalometers | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Chemical aerosol characterization and HR due to LAA from the tropics to the North Pole | N. Losi | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Biomass burning and vehicle emissions at the EUPHORE chambers for improving a carbonaceous aerosol apportionment with new Aethalometer prototype | M. Ródenas | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Measurement of Black Carbon in 2 large Indonesian cities | P.K. Hopke | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Machine learning-based characterization of collected black carbon and desert dust using HIM microscopy supporting real-time Aethalometer measurements | R. Podlipec | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Relationship between PAHs and carbonaceous aerosol absorption: Preliminary results from Northwest Spain | M. Piñeiro-Iglesias | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
High-time-resolution carbonaceous aerosols measurements using an advanced Total Carbon–Black Carbon (TC-BC(λ)) method in Barcelona, Spain | M. Ivancic | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Hyphenation of an EC=OC thermal–optical carbon analyser to photo-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: an aerosol mass spectrometric approach for characterization of primary and secondary particulate matter | S. Ehlert | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Towards a better understanding of atmospheric carbon in the free troposphere | N. Nowak | European Aerosol Conference (EAC’23), Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Optical properties of particulate matter collected on glass fiber filters measured by spatially resolved reflectance spectroscopy | P. Naglič | 23rd ETH-Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 20-22, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Monitoring vehicle emissions with the on-road chasing method over a decade | Ježek Brecelj | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Black carbon, organic carbon, and nitrogen oxide emission factors for traffic and domestic heating in an urban environment | B. Alfoldy | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Optical properties and simple forcing efficiency of the organic aerosols and black carbon emitted by residential wood burning in rural Central Europe | Cuesta-Mosquera | European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
High time resolution carbonaceous aerosols fingerprint using an advanced total carbon black carbon (TC BC(λ)) method in Greater Paris, France | Gregorič | French Aerosol Congress, Paris, France, March 15-16, 2023 | Conference Presentations | 2023 | |
Vertical profiles of black carbon and nanoparticles pollutants measured by a tethered balloon in Longyearbyen (Svalbard islands) | D. Cappelletti | Atmospheric Environment, 290, 119373, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Investigation of Aerosol Types and Vertical Distributions Using Polarization Raman Lidar over Vipava Valley | L. Wang | Remote Sensing, 14, 3482, doi: 10.3390/rs14143482, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Sources and health effects of fine and ultrafine aerosol particles in an urban environment | V. Groma | Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13(2), 101302, doi: 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101302, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Two-year-long high-time-resolution apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols in the Los Angeles Basin using an advanced total carbon–black carbon (TC-BC(λ)) method | M. Ivančič | Science of the Total Environment 848 (2022) 157606 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Absorption enhancement of BC particles in a Mediterranean city and countryside: effect on PM chemistry, aging and trend analysis | J. Yus-Díez | Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(13), 8439-8456, doi: 10.5194/acp-22-8439-2022, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
The impact of temperature inversions on black carbon and particle mass concentrations in a mountainous area | K. Glojek | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi: 10.5194/acp-2021-869, accepted, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
Siberian Arctic black carbon: gas flaring and wildfire impact | O.B. Popovicheva | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi: 10.5194/acp-2021-867, accepted, 2022 | Published Articles | 2022 | Link |
A novel approach for determination of Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon with Magee Scientific Carbonaceous Aerosol Speciation System CASS | K. Kunstelj | Air Quality and Emissions, Telford, UK, October 12-13, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Carbonaceous aerosol fingerprints from wildfires in California between 2018 and 2022 using an advanced total carbon–black carbon (TC-BC(λ)) method | M. Ivančič | AAAR 40th Annual Conference, Raleigh NC, USA, October 3-7, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Carbonaceous Aerosol Analysis Tool CAAT software package for data analysis | K. Kunstelj | AAAR 40th Annual Conference, Raleigh NC, USA, October 3-7, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
High-time-resolution carbonaceous aerosols fingerprint using an advanced total carbon–black carbon (TC-BC(λ)) method in Greater Paris, France | M. Ivančič | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Apportionment of black carbon, organic carbon and CO2 between traffic and domestic heating for the calculation of source-specific emission factors | B. Alfoldy | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Carbonaceous Aerosol Analysis Tool CAAT software package for data analysis | K. Kunstelj | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
UK Black Carbon Network: Comparison campaign between AE22 and AE33 aethalometer models in London | K. Ciupek | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Atmospheric new particle formation at a unique marine lake area in Rogoznica in comparison with urban area events in Zagreb, Croatia | K. Vidović | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Variability of black carbon aerosol concentrations and sources at the Central Adriatic coastal zone: light-absorption observation and source-oriented modelling | A. Milinković | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Actual and perceived wood combustion pollution – The case of a rural mountainous area | K. Glojek | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Source apportionment of PM deposits on stone surfaces | A. Kroflič | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Experimental Heating Rate of black and brown carbon: an overview from the COLOSSAL campaign and the investigation on the role of clouds in Italy | L. Ferrero | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Analysis of aerosol particle inputs and accumulation from residential wood burning – results from a field study in an isolated rural site | A. Cuesta-Mosquera | IAC 2022, Athens, Greece, September 4-9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Source-specific emission factors of black carbon and organic carbon considering two major urban aerosols sources: traffic and domestic heating | B. Alfoldy | National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 22-25, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
A novel approach for determination of Total Carbon, Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon with Magee Scientific Carbonaceous Aerosol Speciation System CASS | K. Kunstelj | National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 22-25, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols using an advanced Total carbon–Black carbon (TC-BC7λ) method | M. Rigler | National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, August 22-25, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Source apportionment of black carbon and combustion-related CO2 for the determination of source-specific emission factors | B. Alfoldy | Regional Symposium on Air Quality in Cities, Sarajevo, BIH (online), February 3 – 4, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols using an advanced Total carbon–Black carbon (TC-BC7λ) method | M. Rigler | Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Diego, CA, USA, March 8 – 9, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols using an advanced Total carbon–Black carbon (TC-BC7λ) method | M. Rigler | International Conference on Environmental Science and Engineering, ICESE-2022, Bombay, India (online), January 20 – 22, 2022 | Conference Presentations | 2022 | |
Characterization of black carbon sources in Longyearbyen (Svalbard): local vs. regional contribution | A. Gregorič | NOSA Symposium 2021, 15-17 March, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Determination of Black Carbon Emission Factors by Combining the Aethalometer Model with Multi-linear Regression Method – a Case Study of Ljubljana, Slovenia | B. Alfoldy | NOSA Symposium 2021, 15-17 March, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Towards understanding the size distribution, composition and optical properties of freshly emitted dust and its relationship with the parent sediment | C.P. García-Pando | EGU21-6302, EGU annual meeting, 19-30 April, Vienna, Austria, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Сlimate-active aerosol components in the Siberian Arctic, by data from new-developed research aerosol station on island Bely | O. B. Popovicheva | EGU21-6302, EGU annual meeting, 19-30 April, Vienna, Austria, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Super Polluter IDentifiER (SPIDER) – a tool for on-road detection of vehicles that contribute disproportionally to the vehicle fleet emissions | I. Ježek | 24th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, 22-24 June, Zurich, Switzerland, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Combination of advanced ion beam techniques reveals detailed physico-chemical properties of collected Saharan dust particles | R. Podlipec | EAC 2021, Birmingham, UK, 30 August – 3 September, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Impacts of PM pollution on stone heritage | A. Kroflič | EAC 2021, Birmingham, UK, 30 August – 3 September, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Protocol development for elemental and organic carbon determination using multiwavelength analysis DRI2015 previous chemical extractions | L. Scibetta | EAC 2021, Birmingham, UK, 30 August – 3 September, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Black carbon emission factors of diesel vehicles: results from roadside measurement | B. Alfoldy | EAC 2021, Birmingham, UK, 30 August – 3 September, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Camp Fire 2018: Highly time-resolved study of eOC, eBC and BrC aerosols by the TC-BC (total carbon–black carbon) method | M. Ivančič | EAC 2021, Birmingham, UK, 30 August – 3 September, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
The Total Carbon Analyzer – A New Instrument for the Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols – Camp Fire 2018: Highly time-resolved study of eOC, eBC and BrC aerosols by the TC-BC (total carbon–black carbon) method | M. Rigler | Atmospheric Optics: Aerosols, Visibility, and the Radiative Balance, October 5-8, 2021, Bryce Canyon, UT, USA | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Determination of high-time resolution mineral dust concentration in real-time by optical absorption measurements | M. Ivančič | IV. International Conference on Atmospheric Dust (DUST 2021), Monopoli, Italy, October 4 – 7, 2021 | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Optical absorption properties of mineral dust particles generated by storm events in a desert environment | B. Alfoldy | IV. International Conference on Atmospheric Dust (DUST 2021), Monopoli, Italy, October 4 – 7, 2021 | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
High time-resolution apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols using advanced TC-BC method | M. Rigler | AAAR 39th Annual Conference, October 18-22, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
A novel approach for carbon constant calibration and validation of the Magee Scientific Total Carbon Analyzer TCA08 | K. Kunstelj | AAAR 39th Annual Conference, October 18-22, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
The determination of source-separated black carbon emission rates using radon as a tracer of atmospheric dynamic | A. Gregorič | AAAR 39th Annual Conference, October 18-22, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols using an advanced Total carbon–Black carbon (TC-BC7λ) method | M. Ivančič | Black Carbon footprint Seminar, December 2, 2021 (virtual event) | Conference Presentations | 2021 | |
Sources and health effects of fine and ultrafine aerosol particles in an urban environment | V. Groma | Atmospheric Pollution Research, 18, 101302 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Variability of black carbon aerosol concentrations and sources at a Mediterranean coastal region | A. Milinkovic | Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12, 101221, 2021. | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Merjenje koncentracij črnega ogljika in določanje njegovih virov v okolici treh osnovnih šol – uvod v projektno učenje (Measurement of black carbon concentration and source apportionment in the vicinity of three primary schools – introduction to project work) | M. Rigler | Fizika v šoli, 26, 2021. | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Elucidating local pollution and site representativeness at the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland through parallel aerosol measurements at an adjacent mountain ridge | P.A. Solomon | Metrology, 1, 142-165, 2021 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Elucidating local pollution and site representativeness at the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland through parallel aerosol measurements at an adjacent mountain ridge | N. Bukowiecki | Environ. Res. Commun. 3, 021001 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Determination of the multiple-scattering correction factor and its cross-sensitivity to scattering and wavelength dependence for different AE33 Aethalometer filter tapes: A multi-instrumental approach | J. Yus-Díez | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6335-6355, 2021 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Vacuum Laser Photoionization inside the C-trap of an Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer: Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry | P. Kösling | Anal. Chem. 2021 Publication Date: June 25, 2021 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Consistent determination of the heating rate of light-absorbing aerosol using wavelength- and time-dependent Aethalometer multiple-scattering correction | L.Ferrero | Science of The Total Environment Volume 791, 15 October 2021, 148277 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Atmospheric concentrations and emission ratios of black carbon and nitrogen oxides in the Arabian/Persian Gulf region | B. Alfoldy | Atmospheric Environment Volume 256, 1 July 2021, 118451 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Impacts of COVID‐19 on Black Carbon in Two Representative Regions in China: Insights Based on Online Measurement in Beijing and Tibet | Y. Liu | Geophysical Research Letters https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL092770 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
Determination of Aethalometer multiple-scattering enhancement parameters and impact on source apportionment during the winter 2017/18 EMEP/ACTRIS/COLOSSAL campaign in Milan | V. Bernardoni | Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2919–2940, 2021 https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-14-2919-2021 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
High light absorption and radiative forcing contributions of primary brown carbon and black carbon to urban aerosol | C.S. Zhu | Gondwana Research Volume 90, February 2021, Pages 159-164 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
The impact of cloudiness and cloud type on the atmospheric heating rate of black and brown carbon in the Po Valley | L. Ferrero | Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 4869–4897, 2021 | Published Articles | 2021 | Link |
The determination of highly time-resolved and source-separated black carbon emission rates using radon as a tracer of atmospheric dynamics | A. Gregorič | Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 14139–14162, 2020 | Published Articles | 2020 | Link |
A global analysis of climate-relevant aerosol properties retrieved from the network of Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) near-surface observatories | P. Laj | Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13(8), 4353-4392, doi:10.5194/amt-13-4353-2020, 2020 | Published Articles | 2020 | Link |
Characterizing atmospheric controls on winter urban pollution in a topographic basin setting using Radon-222 | D. Kikaj | Atmospheric Research, 237, 104838, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104838, 2020 | Published Articles | 2020 | Link |
The new TC-BC method and online instrument for the measurement of carbonaceous aerosols | M. Rigler | Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 4333–4351, 2020 https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-4333-2020 | Published Articles | 2020 | Link |
Performance of microAethalometers: Real-world field intercomparisons from multiple mobile measurement campaigns in different atmospheric environments | H.D.C. Alas | Aerosol and Air Quality Research, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2020.03.0113, 2020 | Published Articles | 2020 | Link |
Black carbon emission factors of diesel sources and wood burning in a middle size city located in a subalpine basin | B. Alfoldy | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosol Sources at an urban background site of the Eastern Mediterranean during winter and spring time | A. Christodoulou | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Characterization of the aerosol optical properties at three GAW regional sites in the South of Italy | A. Donateo | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Experimental determination of the influence of clouds on the Heating Rate of black and brown carbon | L. Ferrero | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
The impact of Temperature Inversions on Black Carbon Mass Concentrations in a Hilly Rural Area | K. Gojek | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Impact of coal burning on air quality in a small Irish town and implications for source apportionment | E. Heffernan | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Detection of mineral dust concentration in Mediterranean and Central Europe by measuring optical absorption of dust particles | M. Ivančič | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Analysis of aerosol particles collected in Ljubljana, Slovenia, using Particle Induced X-ray Emission with a focused proton beam and a Helium Ion Microscope | R. Podlipec | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Relation between PM fractions and carbonaceous aerosols in urban background of Belgrade city centre | M. Jovašević-Stojanović | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Identification of fine and ultrafine particles originated from residential wood combustion | J. Osan | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
High time-resolution measurement of carbonaceous aerosol in central Los Angeles with new TC-BC method | M. Rigler | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Near-real-time parallel Source Apportionment of Fine and Coarse Carbonaceous Aerosols at an urban background site | J. Sciare | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
One-year real-time measurements of spectral absorption using a new on-line method to detect mineral dust and correlation with source regions | F. Unga | EAC 2020, Aachen, Germany, 30 August – 4 September, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
Long-term Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Beijing and Changes during the COVID-19 Period in Urban and Plateau Region in China | Y. Liu | AGU Fall Meeting, online, 1-17 December, 2020 | Conference Presentations | 2020 | |
A method for quantification of mineral dust in air based on optical absorption of particles concentrated by a virtual impactor and a device performing the said method | Aerosol d.o.o. as applicant | European Patent Application | Patent | 2020 | |
A heating chamber for measuring carbonaceous aerosol and a device comprising the said chamber | M. Rigler | European Patent Application | Patent | 2019 | |
Investigation of aerosol properties and structures in two representative meteorological situations over the Vipava valley using polarization Raman LiDAR | L. Wang | Atmosphere, 10(3), 128, doi:10.3390/atmos10030128, 2019 | Published Articles | 2019 | Link |
Retrieval of vertical mass concentration distributions: Vipava valley case study | L. Wang | Remote sensing, 11(2), 106, doi:10.3390/rs11020106, 2019 | Published Articles | 2019 | Link |
Black carbon profiles from tethered balloon flights over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau | M. Wang | Chinese Science Bulletin, 64, doi:10.1360/TB-2019-0101, 2019 | Published Articles | 2019 | Link |
The Total Carbon Analyzer – a New Method for the Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols | M. Rigler | AWMA Air Quality Measurement, Methods and Technology Conference Durham, NC, 2 – 4 April, 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Experimental determination of black and brown carbon heating rate from mid-latitudes to the Arctic ocean, and related energy gradient | L. Ferrero | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
On-road chasing method evaluation with PEMS | I. Ježek | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficient measurements: instrument inter-comparison and results of source and source-component modelling Experimental determination of black and brown carbon heating rate from mid-latitudes to the Arctic ocean, and related energy gradient | V. Bernardoni | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Studies of carbonaceous particles at a traffic site -Moscavide/Lisbon, Portugal | J. Coutinho | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Evaluation of VOC denuder efficiency and positive artefact due to denuder breakthrough using TCA08 | A. Gregorič | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
High time resolution measurement and source apportionment of TC, BC and OC, EC | M. Rigler | ICCPA (International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere) 2019, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 4 April 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Observation of Massive New Particle Formation Events in the Arabian Gulf Region: Possible Sources and Sinks | B. Alfoldy | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
COLOSSAL Winter Campaign 2018: Experimental Heating Rate of Light Absorbing Aerosol (Black Carbon, Brown Carbon) in Milan | L. Ferrero | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Multi-wavelength Aerosol Absorption Coefficient Measurements: Instrument Inter-Comparison and Implications for Source and Component Apportionment | V. Bernardoni | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Experimental Black and Brown Carbon Heating Rate and Energy Gradient from Mid-latitudes to the Arctic Ocean: a Proof of Arctic Amplification | L. Ferrero | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
VOC Denuder Efficiency and Positive Sampling Artefact Evaluation Using the Total Carbon Analyzer (TCA 08) | A. Gregorič | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Assessment of Aerosol Emission Sources in a Traffic Site Combining On-line and Off-line Measurements | J. T. Coutinho | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols with High Time Resolution | J. T. Coutinho | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
High Time Resolution Measurement of the OM to OC ratio in PM1 and PM2.5 | M. Rigler | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Inter-winter Evolution of Biomass Burning Contribution to PM10 in an Alpine Valley Based on Aethalomer Model | J. Allard | EAC 2019, Goethenburg, Sweden, 25 – 30 August 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Changes of Black Carbon sources in Beijing with three-year continuous measurements | Y. Liu | AAAR 2019, Portland, Oregon (USA), 14 – 18 October 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
High time resolution measurement of the TC, BC, EC, OC and OM in PM1 and PM2.5 | M. Rigler | XIV. Magyar Aeroszol Konferencia, Visegrád, Hungary, 2 – 4 October 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Overview of the principal air pollutants and their sources in the Arabian Gulf region | B. Alföldy | XIV. Magyar Aeroszol Konferencia, Visegrád, Hungary, 2 – 4 October 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
New method for on-line determination of mineral dust concentration based on optical absorption | M. Ivančič | 6. Staubtag 2019, 18 – 19 November 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
High time resolution measurement of the TC, BC, EC, OC and OM in PM1 and PM2.5 | M. Rigler | The 16th Cross-strait workshop for Aerosol Science and Technology, Luoyang, China, 16-17 November 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
High time resolution measurement of the TC, BC, EC, OC and OM in PM1 and PM2.5 | M. Rigler | The 25th China Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology Conference, Chengdu, China, 18-19 November 2019 | Conference Presentations | 2019 | |
Measurement of carbonaceous aerosol with high time resolution: Equivalence of TC-BC and OC/EC | M. Rigler | Conference of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association, 26 – 28 November, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Measurement of carbonaceous aerosol: high time resolution measurement and source apportionment of TC, BC and OC, EC | M. Rigler | Conference of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association, 26 – 28 November, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Experimental heating rate of black and brown carbon from mid-latitudes to the Arctic ocean: results from AREX2018 oceanographic cruise | L. Ferrero | Ny-Ålesund Atmosphere Flagship open workshop, 15 – 19 October, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Efficient traffic regulation based on urban Black Carbon measurements and prediction model | A. Gregorič | AGU / AJM, X’ian, China, 16 – 20 October 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Optical and thermal measurements and source apportionment of TC, BC, OC, EC and CM with high time-resolution and comparison to aerosol mass spectrometry | M. Rigler | AGU / AJM, X’ian, China, 16 – 20 October 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
The Cloud Feedback on the Heating Rate of Black Carbon and Brown Carbon | L. Ferrero | IAC, ST. Louis, MO, USA, September 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Real Time Source Quantification of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Zurich Using Extractive Electrospray Ionization Time‐Of‐Flight Mass Spectrometry (EESI‐TOF) | L. Qi | IAC, ST. Louis, MO, USA, September 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Investigation of Seasonal Sources of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Switzerland Using Extractive Electrospray Ionization Time‐Of‐Flight Mass Spectrometry (EESI‐TOF) | G. Stefenelli | IAC, ST. Louis, MO, USA, September 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Optical and thermal measurements and source apportionment of TC, BC, OC, EC and CM with high time-resolution and comparison to aerosol mass spectrometry | M. Rigler | IAC, ST. Louis, MO, USA, September 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Vertical profiling of aerosol properties with two-wavelength polarization Raman lidar over the Vipava valley | L. Wang | EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Optical and thermal measurements and source apportionment of TC, BC, OC, EC and CM with high time resolution | M. Rigler | 22nd ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 18 – 21 June, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
New online method and instrumentation to measure equivalent organic and elemental carbon concentrations | M. Rigler | 11th Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application, Barcelona, Spain, March 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
New Method and Instrumentation to Measure and Characterize Aerosolized Carbon | M. Rigler | UFP Symposium, Berlin, Germany, February 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Aethalometer AE33 training and quality control/assurance – hands-on training | F. Bastardi | COST Action CA16109 COLOSSAL ̶ Training School 20180115 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 – 17 January, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Ambient measurements of urban BC emission factors | A. Gregorič | COST Action CA16109 COLOSSAL ̶ Training School 20180115 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 – 17 January, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
On-road measurements of real-world BC emission factors and their use in models | I. Ježek | COST Action CA16109 COLOSSAL ̶ Training School 20180115 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 – 17 January, 2018 | Conference Presentations | 2018 | |
Onesnaženost zraka s črnim ogljikom : študija primera iz Loškega Potoka (Black carbon air pollution : case study of Loški Potok | K. Glojek | Dela, 50, 5-43, 2018 | Published Articles | 2018 | |
An apportionment method for the oxidative potential of atmospheric particulate matter sources: application to a one-year study in Chamonix, France | S. Weber | Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9617-9629 | Published Articles | 2018 | Link |
The traffic emission-dispersion model for a Central-European city agrees with measured black carbon apportioned to traffic | I. Ježek | Atmospheric Environment | Published Articles | 2018 | Link |
Heating Rate of Light Absorbing Aerosols: Time-Resolved Measurements, the Role of Clouds, and Source Identification | L. Ferrero | Environ. Sci. Technol., Article ASAP | Published Articles | 2018 | Download |
Exposure to Black Carbon during Bicycle Commuting–Alternative Route Selection | B. Jereb | Atmosphere 2018, 9(1), 21; doi:10.3390/atmos9010021 | Published Articles | 2018 | Link |
Evaluation of the absorption Angström exponents for traffic and wood burning in the Aethalometer-based source apportionment using radiocarbon measurements of ambient aerosol | P. Zotter | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Published Articles | 2017 | Link |
Spatial and temporal variability of carbonaceous aerosols: Assessing the impact of biomass burning in the urban environment | G. Titos | Science of The Total Environment | Published Articles | 2017 | Link |
Spectral dependence of aerosol light absorption at an urban and a remote site over the Tibetan Plateau | C.-S. Zhu | Science of The Total Environment | Conference Presentations | 2017 | Link |
The filter-loading effect by ambient aerosols in filter absorption photometers depends on the coating of the sampled particles | L. Drinovec | Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Published Articles | 2017 | Link |
Wood combustion particles induce adverse effects to normal and diseased airway epithelia | M. Krapf | Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts | Published Articles | 2017 | Link |
Chemical and physical characterization of traffic particles in four different highway environments in the Helsinki metropolitan area | J. Enroth | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Chemical and physical characterization of traffic particles in four different highway environments in the Helsinki metropolitan area | J. Enroth | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Contributions of nitrated aromatic compounds to the light absorption of water-soluble and particulate brown carbon in different atmospheric environments in Germany and China | M. Teich | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Evaluation of the absorption Ångström exponents for traffic and wood burning in the Aethalometer based source apportionment using radiocarbon measurements of ambient aerosol | P. Zotter | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Increased PM Concentrations during a Combined Wildfire and Saharan Dust Event Observed at High-Altitude Sonnblick Observatory, Austria | G. Schauer | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
The filter loading effect by ambient aerosols in filter absorption photometers depends on the mixing state of the sampled particles | L. Drinovec | Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Vertical profiles of aerosol and black carbon in the Arctic: a seasonal phenomenology along 2 years (2011–2012) of field campaigns | L. Ferrero | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
Vertical profiles of aerosol and black carbon in the Arctic: a seasonal phenomenology along two years (2011–2012) of field campaign | L. Ferrero | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2016 | Link |
ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison – Part I: Reproducibility of concentration and fragment results from 13 individual Quadrupole Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (Q-ACSM) and consistency with Time-of-Flight ACSM (ToF-ACSM), High Resolution ToF Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) and other co-located instruments | V. Crenn | AMTD | Published Articles | 2015 | Link |
Through-tunnel Estimates of Vehicle Fleet Emission Factors”, Atmospheric Environment | P. Brimblecombe | Atmospheric Environment, 123, 180-189, 2015 | Published Articles | 2015 | Link |
Analysis of Polar Organic Compounds by TAG-AMS: Case Study of an Alpine Valley in France | A. Bertrand | AAAR 33rd Annual Conference, October 2014, Orlando, USA | Conference Presentations | 2014 | Link |
Atmospheric Monitoring in the Western Mediterranean in Summer 2013: Overview of Physico-chemical Properties and Variability | J. Pey | AAAR 33rd Annual Conference, October 2014, Orlando, USA | Conference Presentations | 2014 | Link |
Comparison of the Sources of Organic Aerosol (OA) Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry at Two Mediterranean Islands: Corsica and Mallorca | H. Langley DeWitt | AAAR 33rd Annual Conference, October 2014, Orlando, USA | Conference Presentations | 2014 | Link |
The “dual-spot” Aethalometer: an improved measurement of aerosol black carbon with real-time loading compensation | L. Drinovec | AMTD | Published Articles | 2014 | Download |
Wavelength Dependence of the Optical Properties of Primary Combustion Aerosols | L. Drinovec | AAAR 33rd Annual Conference, October 2014, Orlando, USA | Conference Presentations | 2014 | Link |
Optical Detection and Discrimination Between Biomass and Fossil Fuel Combustion: Influence on Air Quality in Different Environments | G. Močnik. | AAMG 2011, London, UK (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | Link |
Science of The Total Environment | Min-SukBae | Volume 407, Issue 18, 1 September 2009, Pages 5176-5183 | Published Articles | 2009 | Link |
Da Vinci’s Last Supper—A 15th Century World Treasure and 21st Century Pollution | D Westerdahl | AAAR 2010, Portland, OR | Conference Presentations | 2010 | Link |
Method and apparatus to compensate analytical devices that collect constituents of interest on a filter for the effect of filter loading | L. Drinovec | European Patent Application | Patent | 2017 | Link |
Contributions of nitrated aromatic compounds to the light absorption of water-soluble and particulate brown carbon in different atmospheric environments in Germany and China | M. Teich | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Published Articles | 2017 | Link |
Aethalometer Black Carbon measurements, source apportionment model and its use in air pollution monitoring | I. Ježek | Utrecht, Netherlands | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Measuring black carbon : sources, influence of meteorology and relevance from the local to the global scale | G. Močnik | Fifth National Conference on Management of Air Pollution and Noise, Teheran, Iran | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
A New Method and Instrument for the Measurement of Carbonaceous Aerosols | M. Rigler | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Aerosol behavior at the Museum of “Last Supper of Leonardo Da Vinci: secondary formation and volatilization | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Aerosol concentration during a thermal inversion followed by rain in northwestern Iberia | C. Blanco-Alegre | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Black Carbon and Aerosol Absorption Measurements during Global Circumnavigation and Arctic Campaigns | G. Močnik | EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 4 – 8 Sep 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Characterization of Black and Brown Carbon Concentrations and Sources during winter in Beijing | C. Yan | European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Contributions of nitrated aromatic compounds to the light absorption of water-soluble and particulate brown carbon in different atmospheric environments | M. Teich | European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Distinguishing source specific black carbon production from meteorologically driven temporal variability by means of 222Rn tracer | A. Gregoric | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Evaluation of a residential wood heating emissions abatement policy at local scale in a complex area, the Arve valley, France | J. Allard | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Heating Rate of black carbon. Experimentally determination of traffic contribution over a large conurbation | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Identifying the main sources of brown carbon in the atmosphere | I. El Haddad | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Influence of clouds on black carbon direct radiative effect and heating rate over Milan | A. Gregoric | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Long-term investigation of aerosol variability in the boundary layer over Vipava valley based on lidar observations and black carbon measurements | L. Wang | Hefei, China 19-23 June, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Measuring Black Carbon: methodology, sources, and relevance from the local to the global scale | G. Močnik | NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2017”, Lund, Sweden | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Offline Validation of the New ‘Total Carbon Analyzer | M. Rigler | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Optical and microphysical properties of aerosol vertical distribution over Vipava valley retrieved by ground-based elastic lidar and in-situ measurements | L. Wang | European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Quantification of Black Carbon on filters of different Station types in Austria via transmissiometer measurements | M. Greilinger | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
Summer-autumn air pollution in León (Spain): changes in the aerosol size distribution and effects on the respiratory tract | F. Oduber | European Aerosol Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 27 Aug. – 1 Sep, 2017 | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
UAV measurements of aerosol properties at the Cyprus institute | K. Neitola | European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria | Conference Presentations | 2017 | |
A new Aethalometer model for PM source apportionment in mixed solid fuel environments | S. Hellebust | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
A new sensor for continuous tracking od diesel particulate matter in mines to optimize mine ventilation systems | J. Volkwein | SME Annual Conference, Phoenix, USA, February 21-24, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Aircraft observations: Vertical profiles of aerosol optical and physical properties above NE Spain | M. Ealo | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Black carbon concentrations in the highly polluted Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a three year monitoring with a dual-spot Aethalometer | M. Rupakheti | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18, 17460, (2016). | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Comparison of three miniaturized aerosol-absorption instruments, under ambient and controlled conditions | M. Pikridas | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Determination of the Heating Rate of black carbon at high time resolution: a new methodology for experimental measurements of source-identified radiative forcing effects | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Direct Radiative Effect and Heating Rate of black carbon aerosol: high time resolution measurements and source-identified forcing effects | L. Ferrero | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18, 16473, (2016) | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Diurnal cycling of urban aerosols under different weather regimes | A. Gregorič | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18, 12194, (2016). | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Evaluation of the Absorption Ångström Exponents for Traffic and Wood Burning in the Aethalometer Based Source Apportionment Using Radiocarbon Measurements of Ambient | A. Prévôt | AAAR 35th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Evaluation of the absorption Ångström exponents for traffic and wood burning in the Aethalometer based source apportionment using radiocarbon measurements of ambient aerosol | P. Zotter | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Identifying the Main Sources of Brown Carbon in the Atmosphere | I. El Haddad | AAAR 35th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Influence of source specific black carbon production and meteorology on spatio-temporal distribution of black carbon concentration in Central-European basin | L. Drinovec | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Integrating chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols depending on composition and sources; Link air quality-climate | M. Ealo | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Investigation of local meteorology on particule and back carbon atmospheric concentrations in the alpine valley | J. Allard | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Measurement of light-absorbing carbonaceous compounds from modern light-duty and heavy duty vehicles | J. D. Smith | 26th CRC Real World Emissions Workshop, Newport Beach, California , March 13-16, 2016. | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Measurements of Black Carbon and Aerosol Absorption during Global Circumnavigation and Arctic Campaigns | G. Močnik | AAAR 35th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Nitrogen dioxide and black carbon concentrations in Ljubljana | M. Ogrin | Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana (2016) | Published Articles | 2016 | |
Real-time Management of Aethalometer Networks | M. Kobal | AQMMT Conference: RTP, NC, USA, March, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Real-World Black Carbon, Particle Number Concentration and Nitrogen Oxide Vehicle Emission Factors: On-Road Chasing Campaign Results | I. Ježek | 2016 PEMS conference, March 17-18 2016, Riverside, California, USA | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Source apportionment in a complex environment by developed Positive Matrix Factorization: advantages and limitations | F. Chevrier | European Aerosol Conference, Tours, France, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Sources and Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol with High-time Resolution Measurement in Beijing, China. | M. Zheng | AAAR 35th Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2016 | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Vertical profiles of BC direct radiative effect over Italy: high vertical resolution data and atmospheric feedbacks | G. Močnik | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18, 15715, (2016). | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
Ångström Exponent’ analysis of Aethalometer Data | A. D. A. Hansen | AWMA Conference on Atmospheric Optics, 27-30 September 2016, Jackson Hole, WY, USA | Conference Presentations | 2016 | |
A Combined Wildfire and Saharan Dust Event Observed at a High-Altitude Observatory | G. Schauer | 11th Int’l Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, CA, August 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
A study of equivalent black carbon concentrations over Puerto Rico using a light transmission method | A.M. Martínez Cortés | Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: from measurements technologies to applications, 22-27 June 2015, La Paz, Bolivia | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison – Part 1: Reproducibility of concentration and fragment results from 13 individual Quadrupole Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (Q-ACSM) and consistency with co-located instruments | V. Crenn | Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2015 | |
ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison – Part 2: Intercomparison of ME-2 organic source apportionment results from 15 individual, co-located aerosol mass spectrometers | R. Fröhlich | Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2015 | |
ACTRIS ACSM intercomparison–Part 2: Intercomparison of ME-2 organic source apportionment results from 15 individual, co-located aerosol mass spectrometers | R. Fröhlich | AMTD | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Aerosol Black Carbon: Origins, Effects, and Measurements | A.D.A. Hansen | Twelfth National Aerosol Conference, Chongqing, China, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Aerosol concentrations during a combined Saharan dust and wildfire event observed at Sonnblick Observatory | A. Kasper-Giebl | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Assessing Optical Properties and Refractive Index of Combustion Aerosol Particles through Combined Experimental and Modeling Studies | J. Kim | AST | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Black Carbon and aerosol absorption measurement results from global airborne campaigns | G. Močnik | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black carbon over Italian basin valleys (Po Valley, Terni Valley and Passiria Valley): direct radiative forcing, heating rate and feedbacks along vertical profiles | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black Carbon over the region of Paris (France): spatial distribution, sources, and trends | J. Sciare | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black Carbon, Particle Number and NOx Emission Factors of European In-Use Cars and Goods Vehicles Measured with the On-Road Chasing Method | I. Ježek | 11th Int’l Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, CA, August 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black carbon, particle number and NOx emission factors of in-use vehicles measured with the on-road chasing method | I. Ježek | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black Carbon, Particle Number and NOx Emission Factors of Random In-Use Vehicles Measured with the On-Road Chasing Method | I. Ježek | AAAR 34th Annual Conference, (2015) | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Black carbon, particle number concentration and nitrogen oxide emission factors of random in-use vehicles measured with the on-road chasing method | I. Ježek | ACPD | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Black carbon, particle number concentration and nitrogen oxide emission factors of random in-use vehicles measured with the on-road chasing method | I. Ježek | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Calculating black carbon emission factors | I. Ježek | Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol measurements School: from measurements technologies to applications, 22-27 June 2015, La Paz, Bolivia | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Characterising the U9 Milan background site that links together radiation and pollution measurements | A. Comi | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Characterization of primary and secondary wood combustion products generated under different burner loads | E.A. Bruns | ACP | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Contribution of one year measurements in Arve valley to the chemical knowledge of alpine valleys and deconvolution of combustion sources | F. Chevrier | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Contribution of solid fuel burning to PM2.5 in residential areas of Ireland | I.P. O’Connor | European Aerosol Conference,” Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Contribution of traffic to aerosolized black carbon: comparison of an emission/dispersion model and Aethalometer measurements | I. Ježek | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Determination of car on-road black carbon and particle number emission factors and comparison between mobile and stationary measurements | I. Ježek | AMT | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Effect of biomass burning and dust on the spectral dependency of aerosol light absorption | G. Titos | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Evaluation of diesel fleet emissions and control policies from plume chasing measurements of on-road vehicles | C. F. Lau | Atmospheric Environment | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Evaluation of the impact of transportation changes on air quality | G. Titos | Atmos. Environ. | Published Articles | 2015 | Link |
First measurements of aerosol black carbon in a very humid area using the “dual-spot | M. Piñeiro-Iglesias | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Four years of aerosol absorption coefficient measurements at Mt. Cimone: study of processes affecting their variability | D. Putero | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Indoor and outdoor pollution and human health in the Himalayas | A. Marinoni | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Influence of coating on optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols | L. Drinovec | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Interpretation of the loading effect in absorption filter photometers – Dual-Spot Aethalometer measurements | G. Močnik | 11th Int’l Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, USA, August 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Loading Effect in Absorption Filter Photometers – Using the New Information Measured by Dual Spot Aethalometers | G. Močnik | Twelfth National Aerosol Conference, Chongqing, China, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Measurement of Black Carbon emissions from motor vehicles – an ARB effort | L. Gong | 11th Int’l Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, CA, August 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Measurements of Black Carbon and aerosol absorption during global circumnavigation and Arctic campaigns | G. Močnik | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17, 9544, (2015). | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
On road stationary measurements of vehicle emissions | L. Possenti | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Optical properties of light absorbing carbon from wood burning emissions | N.K. Kumar | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Real-time Measurement of the optical Absorption Spectra of Vehicle Emissions, Air Quality Monitoring – Evolving Issues and New Technologies | I. Iskra | London, 9-10 December 2015. | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Real-World Black Carbon, Particle Number Concentration and Nitrogen Oxide Vehicle Emission Factors: On-Road Chasing Campaign Results | I. Ježek | Air Quality Monitoring - Evolving Issues and New Technologies, London, 9-10 December 2015. | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Refinig the geographical origins of fine particulate pollution in Paris, France | J.-E. Petit | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Source Apportionment of Winter Carbonaceous Matter in Central Europe – Comparison of Three Methods | M. Kistler | 11th Int’l Conf. on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere, Berkeley, USA, August 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Source Specific Cyto- and Genotoxicity of Atmospheric Aerosol Samples | Á. Filep | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Sources and diurnal cycles of Black Carbon (BC) concentrations at urban and rural sites in Spain | M. Becerril | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Synergy of multi-source apportionment approaches in an environment highly driven by atmospheric dynamic: case study of an Alpine valley during winter | A. Bertrand | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
The “dual-spot” Aethalometer: an improved measurement of aerosol black carbon with real-time loading compensation | L. Drinovec | AMT | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Thermal-optical analysis for the measurement of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in ambient air a literature review | Karanasiou | Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2015 | |
Three years of aerosol vertical profiles in the Arctic (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference, Milano, Italy, 2015 | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Two years of near real-time chemical composition of submicron aerosols in the region of Paris using an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) and a multi-wavelength Aethalometer | J.-E. Petit | ACP | Published Articles | 2015 | |
“The Aethalometer”, Latin American and Caribbean Aerosol Measurements School: from measurements technologies to applications | G. Močnik | 22-27 June 2015, La Paz, Bolivia | Conference Presentations | 2015 | |
Carbonaceous aerosols in the Western Mediterranean during summertime and their contribution to the aerosol optical properties at ground level: First results of the ChArMEx-ADRIMED 2013 intensive campaign in Corsica | J. Sciare | European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Characterization of primary and secondary wood combustion products generated under different burner loads | EA. Bruns | ACPD | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Determination and analysis of in situ spectral aerosol optical properties by a multi-instrumental approach | S. Segura | Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Determination and analysis of spectral aerosol optical properties by a multi-instrumental approach | S. Segura | AMTD | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Determination and Analysis of Spectral Aerosol Optical Properties by a Multi-instrumental Approach | S. Segura | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Determination of Air Pollution Sources by Aethalometer measurements of aerosol light absorption | L. Drinovec | PM 2014, Genova, Italy, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Determination of car on-road black carbon and particle number emission factors and comparison between mobile and stationary measurements | I. Ježek | AMTD | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Determining the Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Primary and Secondary Residential Wood Combustion Products | E. A. Bruns | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Effect of Extensive Aging on the Optical Properties of Light Absorbing Carbon | N. K. Kumar | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Effects of alkylate fuel on exhaust emissions and secondary aerosol formation of a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke scooter | A.A. Zardini | Atmos. Environ. | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Impact of black carbon aerosol over Italian basin valleys: high-resolution measurements along vertical profiles, radiative forcing and heating rate | L. Ferrero | ACP | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Impact of traffic volume and composition on the air quality and pedestrian exposure in urban street canyon | A. Rakowska | Atmos. Environ. | Published Articles | 2014 | |
Measuring the influence of Dilution on Chasing Emission Factor Measurement | I. Jezek | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Optical properties of Primary Combustion Aerosols | Drinovec L. | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Review of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production Potential from Diesel and Gasoline Vehicle Exhaust in Comparison to Other Exhausts | A. S. H. Prevot | International Aerosol Conference 2014 Abstracts, Busan, Korea, (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Secondary organic aerosol formation from road vehicle emissions | S. M Pieber | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16, 15344 (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Source specific spatial and temporal heterogeneity of Black Carbon | A. Gregorič | AAMG 2014, London, UK (2014) | Conference Presentations | 2014 | |
Two years of near real-time chemical composition of submicron aerosols in the region of Paris using an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSm) and a multi-wavelength Aethalometer | J.-E. Petit | ACPD, 14, 24221-24271, (2014) | Published Articles | 2014 | |
A dense Black Carbon network in the region of Paris, France: Implementation, objectives, and first results | J. Sciare | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15, 12394 (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Airborne measurements of Black Carbon using miniature high-performance Aethalometers during global circumnavigation campaign GLWF 2012 | G. Mocnik | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15, 7040 (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Black carbon and particle number emission factors of different vehicle types measured in real driving conditions | I. Ježek | European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Black carbon as a new air quality and health indicator of limited traffic zone (LTZ) interventions: The results of the ‘Area C’ monitoring campaigns at residential and kerbside sites in Milan, Italy | S. Moroni | Eur. Respir. J. | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Black carbon mass size distributions of diesel exhaust and urban aerosols measured using differential mobility analyzer in tandem with Aethalometer | Z. Ning. | Atmos. Environ. | Published Articles | 2013 | |
Characterization of Black Carbon concentration, sources and age using an Aethalometer AE33 | L. Drinovec | European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Characterization of traffic-emitted CO2 determined from road tunnel measurements in the region of Paris | L. Ammoura | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 7 (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Indication of aerosol aging by Aethalometer optical absorption measurements | L. Drinovec | ACCENT-Plus Symposium 2013, (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Influence of Saharan dust events on scattering phase function | M. Laborde | International Conference on Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols – Book of Abstracts, (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Novel smog chamber studies of wood burning emissions at low temperatures | E.A. Bruns | European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Recommendations for the interpretation of “black carbon” measurements | Petzold | Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 9485-9517. | Published Articles | 2013 | |
Secondary organic aerosol formation from gasoline vehicle emissions in a new mobile environmental reaction chamber | S. Platt | ACP | Published Articles | 2013 | |
Secondary organic aerosol production potential from diesel and gasoline vehicle exhaust under different ambient conditions | S.M. Pieber | European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
Two years of measured vertical profiles in the Arctic (Svalbard Islands): results from 2011-2012 spring-summer campaigns | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) | Conference Presentations | 2013 | |
A new algorithm for brown and black carbon identification and organic carbon detection in fine atmospheric aerosols by a multi-wavelength Aethalometer | G Mocnik | F. Esposito et al., Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. | Published Articles | 2012 | |
Airborne measurements of black carbon at remote locations using miniature high-performance Aethalometers | G. Močnik | Whitefish MT, USA, 24 – 28 September 2012 | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Atmospheric profiles of Black Carbon at remote locations using light-weight airborne Aethalometers | A. D. Hansen | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 2 (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Chemical and morphological characterization of aerosol particles at Mt. Krvavec, Slovenia, during the Eyjafjallajökull Icelandic volcanic eruption | M. Beeston | Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 19, 235-243, (2012) | Published Articles | 2012 | |
Comparison of Surface Measurements of Equivalent Black Carbon at Four Arctic Stations | T. Uttal | International Polar Year 2012 Conference, Montréal, Canada (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Dual-spot aethalometer: Online characterization of aerosol »loading« effect parameter k | L. Drinovec. | AAMG 2012, London, UK (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
High-Time Resolution Measurements of Black Carbon Particles in the Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Engine during Acceleration, Deceleration and Cruise Conditions | A.H. Miguel | J. Braz. Chem. Soc. | Published Articles | 2012 | |
Measuring black carbon and particle number car emission factors in real driving conditions | I. Ježek | European Aerosol Conference, Granada, Spain (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Measuring car emission factors in real driving conditions | I. Ježek | TAC – 3rd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Profili verticali delle proprietà dell’Aerosol e di Black Carbon in area Artica | L Ferrero | Quinto Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico PM2012, Perugia, 16-18 Maggio 2012 | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Real-time measurements of levoglucosan in fine aerosols (PM2. 5) in the region of Paris (France) | J. Sciare | Geophys. Res. Abs., 14, (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Secondary organic aerosol formation from gasoline vehicle emissions in a new mobile environmental reaction chamber | S.M. Platt | ACPD | Published Articles | 2012 | |
The Dual Spot Aethalometer: Application of real time source apportionment algorithm for black carbon | L. Drinovec | 2nd ACTRIS General Meeting 2012, (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
The dual spot Aethalometer: Improved measurement for aerosol Black Carbon with real-time loading compensation | L. Drinovec | European Aerosol Conference, Granada, Spain (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
The dual-spot Aethalometer: Aplication of real-time source apportionment algorithm for black carbon and carbonaceous aerosols | L. Drinovec | AAAR 31st annual conference, (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Properties and Black Carbon in the Arctic during spring and summer 2011: relationship with nucleation events and ship plumes | L. Ferrero | European Aerosol Conference, Granada, Spain (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Properties and Black Carbon in the Arctic during spring and summer2011: relationship with nucleation events and shipplumes | D Cappelletti | European Aerosol Conference, Granada, Spain (2012) | Conference Presentations | 2012 | |
Application of direct thermal desorption gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry for determination of non-polar organics in low volume samples from ambient particulate matter and personal samplers | J. Schnelle-Kreis | Anal. & Bioanal. Chem., 401, 3083-3094, (2011) | Published Articles | 2011 | |
Black carbon content in PM as a metric to evaluate the impact of the car-free Sundays of winter 2011 on air quality in Milan | A.A. Ruprecht | Eur. Respir. J., 38, 4207, (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
Black Carbon Measurement Is Effective in Detecting the Benefits of Traffic Restriction Policy on Outdoor Air Quality—The Field Study of Ecopass Area in Milan, Italy | G. Invernizzi | Epidemiology, 22, S62-S63, (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
Influence of biomass combustion on air quality in two pre-alpine towns with different geographical settings | I. Ježek | International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere 2011 Abstracts (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
Measurement of black carbon concentration as an indicator of air quality benefits of traffic restriction policies within the ecopass zone in Milan, Italy | G. Invernizzi | Atmos. Environ., 45, 3522-3527, (2011) | Published Articles | 2011 | |
Post-processing method to reduce noise while preserving high time resolution in Aethalometer real-time black carbon data | G.S.W. Hagler | Aerosol & Air Quality Res., 11, 539-546, (2011) | Published Articles | 2011 | |
Real-time measurements of levoglucosan in fine aerosols (PM2. 5) in the region of Paris (France) | J. Sciare | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 56 (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
The percent black carbon content in PM as an effective metric for evaluating the impact of no-traffic Sundays on urban air quality: The results of the 2011 wintertime campaign in Milan, Italy | G. Invernizzi | Eur. Respir. J., 38, 3324, (2011) | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
Vertical profiles of aerosol absorption coefficient from micro-Aethalometer data and Mie calculation over Milan | L. Ferrero | Sci. Total Environ., 409, 2824-2837, (2011) | Published Articles | 2011 | |
Vertical profiles of aerosol properties and ozone measured over Ny-Ålesund during spring and summer 2011 | D Cappelletti | Norwegian Institute of Air Research, p. 33-34, 2011. | Conference Presentations | 2011 | |
Characterization of pollution events in the East Baltic region affected by regional biomass fire emissions | V. Ulevicius | Atmos. Res., 98, 190-200, (2010) | Published Articles | 2010 | |
Hourly Measurements of Fine Particulate Sulfate and Carbon Aerosols at the Harvard–U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Supersite in Boston | Kang | J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assn., 60, 1327-1334. | Published Articles | 2010 | |
Measurement of real time black carbon for investigating spot loading effects of Aethalometer data | S.S. Park | Atmos. Environ. 44, 1449-1455, (2010) | Published Articles | 2010 | |
Aerosol light absorption, black carbon, and elemental carbon at the Fresno Supersite, California | Chow | Atmos. Res. 93, 874–887. | Published Articles | 2009 | |
Seasonal variations of elemental carbon in urban aerosols as measured by two common thermal-optical carbon methods | Bae | Sci. Tot. Environ., 407, 5176-5183. | Published Articles | 2009 | |
Key Scientific Findings and Policy- and Health-Relevant Insights from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Particulate Matter Supersites Program and Related Studies: An Integration and Synthesis of Results | Solomon | J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assn., 58, S3-S92. | Published Articles | 2008 | |
Comparison of Continuous and Filter-Based Carbon Measurements at the Fresno Supersite | Park. | J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assn., 56, 474-491. | Published Articles | 2006 | |
NO BREATHING IN THE AISLES - Diesel Exhaust Inside School Buses | G.M. Solomon | Natural Resources Defense Council Coalition for Clean Air, January 2001 | NRDC report | 2001 | |
INTERCOMP2000: the comparability of methods in use in Europe for measuring the carbon content of aerosol | Brink | Atmos. Environ., 38, 6507-6519. | Published Articles | 2004 | |
Results of the `carbon conference’ international aerosol carbon round robin test stage I | Schmid | Atmos. Environ., 35, 2111-2121. | Published Articles | 2001 | |
Species Contributions to PM2.5 Mass Concentrations: Revisiting Common Assumptions for Estimating Organic Mass | Turpin | Atmos. Sci. &Technol., 35, 602-610. | Published Articles | 2001 | |
Method Comparisons for Particulate Nitrate, Elemental Carbon, and PM2.5 Mass in Seven U.S. Cities | Babich | J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assn., 50, 1095-1105. | Published Articles | 2000 | |
Field validation of a semi-continuous method for aerosol black carbon (Aethalometer) and temporal patterns of summertime hourly black carbon measurements in southwestern PA | Allen | Atmos. Environ, 33, 817-823. | Published Articles | 1999 | |
Identification of the optically absorbing component in urban aerosols | Rosen | Appl. Opt., 17, 3859-3861 | Published Articles | 1978 |
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