1. Instrument status
The General Status of the instrument is shown by the color of the top line of the screen display, the status description on the homepage, and the LED indicator next to it.
Green = Instrument is measuring with no warning
Green and blinking = Instrument is running in QA/QC mode with no warnings or instrument is performing tape advance
Orange = Instrument is running with warnings, check status
Red = Instrument is stopped or in error
The detailed Status Code can be observed by pressing the Status icon on the far left of the status line or by pressing the status indication symbol on the Home page.
The Status Code of the instrument is a combination of seven groups of sub-status values (8 bits) in the following order:
Each of the seven groups represents:
G0 – General: General status of the instrument.
G1 – Operation: Current instruments operation.
G2 – Flow: Warnings and errors linked to instruments flow.
G3 – LED: Information, warnings, and errors linked to LED source.
G4 – Chamber, Tape, RH: Warnings and errors linked to instruments chamber, tape, RH.
G5 – QA/QC: Information about instruments QA/QC procedure is running.
G6 – Information: General information, warnings, and errors.
2. Startup screen checks
Check: Communication
Description: Communication PC to optical chamber controller
Error: hardware problem
Solution: check cables
Check: Instrument data
Description: Obtain data (serial number) from the optical chamber controller
Error: hardware problem
Solution: check cables
Check: Storage
Description: CF card operation
Error: CF card error
Solution: get new CF card and SW
Check: Configuration settings
Description: Read setting from the setup file
Error: Setup file error
Solution: restore setup file from one of the older setup files
Check: Valves
Description: Operation of the ball valve
Error: ball valve not moving
Solution: check cables
Check: Chamber
Description: Optical chamber movement test
Error: locked chamber
Solution: unlock chamber
Check: Chamber
Description: Optical chamber movement test
Error: hardware error
Solution: service needed
Check: Pump & Flow
Description: Test if pump is working
Error: pump
Solution: service needed
Check: Pump & Flow
Description: Test if pump is working
Error: tube connections
Solution: reconnect tubes
Check: Device monitoring
Description: Windows operating system test
Error: faulty application file
Solution: get new CF card and SW
3. Troubleshooting
This guide helps troubleshoot various warnings and errors triggered by the system. Each group has specific conditions for triggering errors or warnings, along with corresponding troubleshooting steps.
Group: G2
Status: Flow w
Triggered when: The actual flow differs by more than 10% from the set flow for 10 consecutive seconds.
This is checked when G1=1 – Instrument is Running.
Troubleshooting guides:
- Stop the measurements.
- Inspect sample tubing for any obstructions, blockages, or compression.
- Clean cyclone.
- Verify flow calibration (Section 9.3.5 Flow verification).
- Start the measurements.
- If the Flow warning is triggered again:
- Stop the measurements and unplug the instrument from the sample tube.
- Start the measurements.
- If the warning is not triggered, the problem is in the sampling system.
- If the warning re-appears, contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
NOTE: Flow warnings can also be triggered by system pressure fluctuations. This can happen if multiple instruments with changing flows are connected to the inlet together with the Aethalometer.
Group: G2
Status: Flow ratio w
Triggered when: The flow ratio F2/F1 > 0.75 or < 0.2.
Checked when G1=1 – Instrument is Running.
Troubleshooting guides:
- Stop the measurements.
- Verify flow calibration.
- Run the Self-cleaning procedure.
- Adjust the orifice for the correct flow ratio.
- Start the measurements.
Group: G2
Status: Pump speed high w
Triggered when: The pump operates at a working load of more than 90%.
Checked when G1=1 – Instrument is Running.
Troubleshooting guides:
- Stop the measurements.
- Inspect sample tubing for any obstructions, blockages, or compression.
- Clean cyclone.
- Verify flow calibration.
- Run the Self-cleaning procedure.
- Check that the installation altitude is not over 3000 m above sea level. In highaltitude installations, lower the set flow or adjust the flow conditions.
- Start the measurements.
- If the Pump speed high warning is triggered again, stop the measurements, unplug the instrument from the sample tube and start the measurements. If the warning re-appears, contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
Group: G2
Status: FVRF out of range w
Triggered when: Face Velocity Ratio Factor (FVRF) is > 1.2 or < 0.8.
Troubleshooting guides:
- Stop the measurements.
- Verify flow calibration.
- Adjust the orifice for the correct flow ratio.
- Start the measurements.
- FVRF calculation is sensitive to system pressure or temperature fluctuations (e.g. multiple instruments with changing flows are connected to the inlet together with the Aethalometer; high-temperature variation in the room where the instrument is installed)
- FVRF warning will be triggered also in the case of LED warning if there is a problem with any of the wavelengths 470, 520, 590, 630 or 880 nm.
Group: G2
Status: Flowmeter e
Triggered when: The optical chamber is in the “home” position, the valves are in “bypass,” and the pump is “running.” The absolute difference between raw flowmeter values F1 and Fc is > 50.
This combination is set and checked during every Tape Advance.
Troubleshooting guides: Flowmeter malfunction. Contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
Group: G2
Status: Ball valve e
Triggered when: The ball valve is not turning.
Troubleshooting guides: Ball valve malfunction. Contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
Group: G3
Status: LED w
Triggered when: If one or more LED channels do not calibrate correctly during the Tape Advance (TA) procedure—detector channel status = 11 or 12 on one or more channels.
Troubleshooting guides: LED optical source malfunction. Contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
Group: G3
Status: LED e
Triggered when: None of the LED channels can calibrate — detector channel status = 12 on all channels
Troubleshooting guides: LED optical source malfunction. Contact Aerosol Magee Scientific support or your authorized distributor.
Group: G4
Status: Tape w
Triggered when: Less than 10% of filter tape is left on the 10 m filter roll, or less than 5% is left on the 20 m filter tape.
Troubleshooting guides: Pay attention to replacing the filter tape before it runs out.
Group: G4
Status: Tape last w
Triggered when: When there is less than 2% filter tape left on a 10m filter roll or less than 1% left on a 20m filter roll.
Troubleshooting guides: Pay attention to replacing the filter tape before it runs out.
Group: G2
Triggered when:
Troubleshooting guides: