

Micro Aethalometer

Development of a portable instrument for measuring personal exposure to Black Carbon and atmospheric vertical profiles of Black Carbon. The first-ever pocket meter of aerosolized Black Carbon is small, light and will measure with a resolution of a second. It measures personal exposure to Black Carbon – the primary product of incomplete combustion of fuels – without hindering the wearer. Black Carbon concentrations in the air are strongly positively correlated with cancer, lung and cardiovascular diseases.

The instrument enables the measurement of atmospheric vertical profiles of Black Carbon by meteorological balloons and drones. The heat released due to the absorption of sunlight in aerosolized Black Carbon has a significant effect on the warming of the Earth – Black Carbon is the second most important anthropogenic cause of climate change. By measuring vertical profiles, it will be possible to validate climate calculation models and quantify the influence of Black Carbon on the weather.


Aerosol Magee Scientific is a brand with a scientifically proven approach to the measurement and research of carbonaceous aerosols. Our instruments have provided data for several thousand published scientific papers and reports. Our own research team coordinates several national, bilateral and European projects. We participate in international projects of the most influential environmental scientists. We present our findings at major global and regional scientific conferences on carbonaceous aerosols and their impact on human health and the state of the planet. Below is a selection of research and development projects that lead to new or updated instruments and numerous scientific publications.
At Aerosol Magee Scientific, the world’s leading experts in the measurement of black carbon and carbonaceous aerosols, we combine over 30 years of experience, insights from thousands of research studies and a passion for using our knowledge to influence the future.