We’re excited about the fresh new features coming with the latest AE33 software update
The new software version gives the Aethalometer full range of networking capabilities. When the instrument is connected to the internet it can be remotely controlled and monitored thus providing extended diagnostic capabilities. The following solutions offering different levels of connectivity are available: AethAlerts, Aeccessor and AethNET
Please contact support@aerosol.eu to get more information on the networking solutions. In addition, this new software update provides new options of use and improves some already implemented features.
What is new in version
The new software version (v is compatible with all series of Aethalometers (S0-S6). Firmware version 513 or greater is required.
If you operate an Aethalometer with SN less than 90 please consult with your local distributor (or manufacturer) before updating.
In order to provide best possible support, please register your instrument(s) at Tecnical support. The registration link on the screen of the Aethalometer (tab ABOUT).
Log in or sign up for a free account to download the software in the section Products > AE33. Do not miss “Forum” section where you can discuss any details you are interested in.
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