Patagonia Alaska FlyingClimateChange project has been successfully finished after flying 24.000 miles from Ushuaia Argentina to Point Borrow Alaska and back. For almost four months, the crew flew over Patagonia, eastern Argentina, the Amazon, and the Caribbean before entering USA airspace. Finally, on July 13 they fulfilled their objective and arrived in Alaska. At the end of that month, the “Roadrunner” arrived in Oshkosh to participate in the EAA airventure, one of the world’s most traditional and popular annual aeronautical festivals.
During the flight, the aircraft was equipped with an inlet
on the wing, with tubing carrying the sampled air to the Magee Scientific Aethalometer model AE43, the latest model of Aethalometer providing accurate data in
real-time about Black Carbon concentration in the atmosphere.
More information: flyingpatagonia.com